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  • How does Blue Owl Tutors work?
    Here at Blue Owl Tutors, we make sure that our tutors and their students are perfectly matched! Feel free to look at the biographies of all our tutors under the "Meet the Tutors" tab. We also encourage you to contact us directly to find which tutor is best for you!
  • What can I get help with?
    We offer tutoring for a variety of subjects! To see a list of all the academic courses, check out the "Services & Pricing" tab. For non-academic subjects, please contact us directly so we can find a tutor and subject that most suits your needs!
  • How do I get a tutor?
    Here at Blue Owl Tutors, we make sure that our tutors and their students are perfectly matched! Feel free to look at the biographies of all our tutors under the "Meet the Tutors" tab. We also encourage you to contact us directly to find which tutor is best for you!
  • Can I work with the same tutor again?
    Of course! We want you to not only learn from your tutor, but also to form a connection with him or her. We would be happy to pair you with the same tutor!
  • What is your cancellation policy?
    We ask that cancellations must be made at least 4 hours in advance. Usually, the student will be charged for missed appointments (exceptions will be made for illness or other special circumstances).
  • What's the minimum time to work with a tutor?
    The average session is an hour long. However, if you have a special circumstance that requires the session to be either shorter or longer, we are very flexible and would be happy to discuss it.
  • Can I be a tutor?
    Visit the "Become a Tutor" tab under the "Meet the Tutors" tab to learn more.
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